Based in Vienna’s third district, realising projects all over the globe. The maximum of joy for the craft, years of experience and precision as well as close contact with our clients are the key values in our small team. This lets us guarantee the individual and flexible services needed for any kind of project – this is Overdub.

Sound engineer, Owner
Speakers & Freelancers
International voices, other
We are always open to working with freelancers when a project requires it. If you want to be part of our ever-growing speaker library as a talent, please send us your request and ideally some audio samples to
All Services
Since most projects require an individual approach, we offer all our services as flexibly as possible. Complete production and recording processes or just parts of them can always be booked. This list offers you a compact overview of all our individual services.
  1. 5.1 Mischungen
  2. 82/85 Db Leq (M) Mix
  3. Adr/Synchro
  4. A-Law Conversion
  5. Ansagen
  6. Atsc A/85 Mixes
  7. Audio Books
  8. Audio Equipment
  9. Audiodesign
  10. Audio Logo
  11. Audio Post Pro
  12. Audiorestauration
  13. Automatisierte Aufnahmen
  14. Autonaming
  15. Batch-Recording
  16. Branding
  17. Casting
  18. Calm Act
  19. Cedar Audio
  20. Cinecom Mischung
  21. Conformalizer
  22. Corporate Sound
  23. Dcp Audio 5.1
  24. Denoising
  25. Declick
  26. Declip
  27. Dialog Editing
  28. Digital Audio
  29. EBU R 128 Batch
  30. EBU R 128 MIX
  31. EDL basiertes Editing
  32. Film-Netzwerk
  33. Filmton
  34. Foley
  35. Fullscale Mixes
  36. Full Audio Services
  37. FX
  38. Geräuscharchiv
  39. Geräuschemacher
  40. HF-Radio-Spot
  41. Hörbuch
  42. Internationale Aufnahmen
  43. Internationale SprecherInnen
  44. Kalibriertes Monitoring
  45. Kinospot Mischung
  46. Komposition
  47. Kunden-Mithöre
  48. Mastering
  49. Miete Tonequipment
  50. Monitoring to Specs
  51. Musik AKM-u. gemafrei
  52. Musik Komposition
  53. Native Speaker/SprecherInnnen
  54. Noise Reduction
  55. Normalizing
  56. Originalton
  57. Oton
  58. Oton Equipment
  59. Plural Eyes
  60. Pro Tools HD
  61. QPPM Mix
  62. Restauration
  63. Recording
  64. Re-Conforming
  65. Setsound
  66. Setsound-Equipment
  67. Sprachaufnahmen
  68. Sprecher
  69. Sprecherinnen
  70. Schoeps CMIT 5U
  71. Source-Connect
  72. Sounddesign
  73. Sound Branding
  74. Sound Devices
  75. SFX
  76. Surround 5.1
  77. Studio Vermietung
  78. Telefonansagen
  79. Text to Speach (TTS)
  80. Tonequipment zur Miete
  81. Tonstudio
  82. Web Sound
  83. Werbesprecher
  84. Werbung Vertonung
Our Clients
Over the years, we have worked with many national and international clients from various professional fields. With us, every client and their project gets the utmost attention and care. This list gives you a compact overview of all our clients.
  1. Actionconcept GmbH (Alarm für Cobra 11)
  2. Allianz Versicherungen
  3. Almdudler
  4. ATV
  5. BAWAG
  6. BBC
  7. BILLA
  8. Blaguss
  9. BP
  10. Carpe Diem
  11. CellMed
  12. Centrum Cardio
  13. Coca Cola
  14. Danone
  15. Desperados
  16. Die Grünen
  17. drei
  18. FORD
  19. Gebrüder Weiss
  20. Golden Girls Filmproduction & Filmservices GmbH
  21. Granufink Prosta
  22. HappyFoto
  23. Heineken
  24. IngDiba
  25. Interspot Film GmbH
  26. Interwetten
  27. ISCHGL
  28. KIDS TV
  29. Lotus Film
  30. MC Donalds  
  31. Mediamarkt
  32. Mega Card
  33. Microsoft
  34. Modern Times Media Verlagsges.m.b.H.
  35. Mondi Group
  36. Novartis
  37. Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz
  38. OMV
  39. Opel
  40. ORF
  41. Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH
  42. Paylife
  43. Premiere
  44. Ratiopharm
  45. RTL
  47. SAP
  48. ServusTV
  49. SHT
  50. Siemens
  52. SOL Beer
  53. Super-FI
  54. Superfilm
  55. Telekom
  56. Thyssen Krupp Austria AG
  57. Tupperware
  58. Trenkwalder
  59. TriLite Tech
  60. TV Media
  61. VICE
  62. Vienna Sightseeing Tours
  63. Visa
  64. WKÖ
  65. und viele mehr.